Switzerland to Acquire Patriot Missile Defense

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On June 30, Switzerland selected to purchase the Patriot air defense system for its air defense modernization effort. To satisfy its BODLUV 2020 air defense requirement, Switzerland had previously evaluated the United States’ Patriot and the Eurosam-built SAMP/T surface-to-air systems. The U.S. State Department approved the potential sale of up to five Patriot batteries to Switzerland in September 2020. Once in service, Switzerland will be the 18th country to operate Patriot.

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Shaan Shaikh, "Switzerland to Acquire Patriot Missile Defense," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 30, 2021, last modified June 30, 2021, https://missilethreat.csis.org/switzerland-to-acquire-patriot-missile-defense/.