Congress Approves $416 million Reprogramming for BMD

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On October 3, Secretary of Defense James Mattis disclosed the approval of Congressional defense committees to reprogram $416 million from other accounts, including unspent Army maintenance and operations funding, into several missile defense programs. The reallocation would shift $47 million into the Ground-based Midcourse Defense program for 10 to 20 new missile silos for a new missile defense field at Ft. Greely, Ak. An additional $81 million will be used to increase Ground-based Interceptor capacity at Ft. Greely from 44 to 64.

The Pentagon wishes to direct an additional $61 million to testing and development of the Standard Missile-3 Block IIA on Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense ships, as well as $13 million toward Baseline 9.2 software upgrades for four Aegis ships. Approximately $53 million will be allocated for the development and improvement of new ballistic missile defense sensors and radars, including $16 million to extend the lifespan of the Cobra Dane early warning radar and $15 million to update the Sea Based-X Band Radar’s software and processor.