MDA To Suspend Redesigned Kill Vehicle Development: Report

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On May 24, Inside Defense reported that the U.S. Defense Department is preparing a stop-work order on the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System’s Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV). The report comes after unspecified concerns over recent component tests, which motivated the MDA to delay the program by 2 years in March 2019. As of February 2019, the MDA has consumed roughly $672 million of the $1 billion contract for RKV development. Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Michael Griffin has reportedly directed an analysis of alternatives for modernizing the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System’s kill vehicles.

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Masao Dahlgren, "MDA To Suspend Redesigned Kill Vehicle Development: Report," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, May 24, 2019, last modified May 24, 2019,