Navy Completes Final SM-6 IA Land Test

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On June 7, the U.S. Navy completed the final land-launched flight test of its surface-to-air Standard Missile-6 Block IA (SM-6 Blk IA) at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. The third of three required successful land flight tests demonstrated the SM-6 Blk IA’s improved technological capabilities and integration with the Aegis weapon system.  At-sea testing is scheduled for the fall of 2017, and Initial Operation Capability for the SM-6 Blk IA is planned for the end of 2018.

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Missile Defense Project, "Navy Completes Final SM-6 IA Land Test," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 19, 2017, last modified June 15, 2018,