Javelin Antitank Missiles Found in Libya

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On June 27, armed forces under the UN-backed Libyan National Army discovered four American-made Javelin antitank missiles at a rebel weapons cache near Tripoli. According to markings on the weapons, the United States originally supplied the missiles to the United Arab Emirates in a 2008 arms sale. The missiles were later found to be of French origin; in a statement, the French Army Ministry said the missiles were unusable and “temporarily stocked at a weapons depot ahead of their destruction.”

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Masao Dahlgren, "Javelin Antitank Missiles Found in Libya," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 1, 2019, last modified July 23, 2019, https://missilethreat.csis.org/javelin-antitank-missiles-found-in-libya/.