Israel’s David’s Sling Successfully Completes Fifth Test Series

The Israeli Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) successfully completed the fifth series of tests of the David’s Sling Weapons System at Palmachim Air Base, Israel. The David’s Sling system is part of Israel’s multi-layer missile defense shield and is a collaboration between the United States and Israel designed to defend Israel against air breathing threats and large-caliber rockets. The test series consisted of a Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) to detect threat-representative targets, communicate information to the Battle Management Center (BMC), and the launch of Stunner missiles that intercepted the targets. MDA Director VADM James Syring emphasized the importance of the test, saying it was “a critical step in ensuring Israel has the capability to defend itself from a very real and growing threat.”

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Missile Defense Project, "Israel’s David’s Sling Successfully Completes Fifth Test Series," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 25, 2017, last modified June 15, 2018,