FY 2022 Missile Defense and Defeat Budget Tracker

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President Biden signed an omnibus spending bill to fund the government for the rest of FY 2022 on March 15, 2022, which included funding for the Department of Defense. The omnibus bill concludes the FY 2022 budget cycle as the Administration turns to submitting its FY 2023 request.

* Passed $1 billion supplemental appropriation as part of the House Iron Dome Supplemental Appropriations Act.

** $1 billion appropriated to be spent prior to September 30, 2024 in addition to standard appropriations for Iron Dome system.

*** The omnibus bill retained the Senate Appropriations bill language on Iron Dome supplemental spending.

Note: The Missile Defense Project Congressional Budget Tracker includes fewer lines than the President’s Budget Tracker due to lack of data as a result of less data reported in congressional funding tables than in the PB justification documents. All figures in millions of dollars. Numbers in parentheses are negative figures.

President’s Budget Request

On May 28, the Biden administration released its Fiscal Year 2022 defense budget request. The administration’s first budget request includes $20.4 billion allocated to what it calls “missile defense and defeat” activities. This number contains traditional missile defense programs funded in the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and military services but also programs usually associated with strategic missile warning and certain programs to counter missile threats prior to launch, including hypersonic strike and cyberattack.

A complete list of line items in the official DoD missile defense and defeat tabulation is somewhat difficult to reproduce. As a result, the Missile Defense Project Budget Trackers do not correspond precisely with its totals. The analysis herein covers all MDA programs, a modified list of service and other Defense-Wide air and missile defense programs, and a selection of missile defeat activities. MDA’s budget is relatively self-contained, so its operations and maintenance (O&M) and military construction (MILCON) accounts are included here. Service O&M and MIILCON accounts tend to be more difficult to parcel out to individual systems or missions, so the analysis of service programs is limited to procurement and RDT&E. The Missile Defeat and Hypersonic Strike section focuses primarily on hypersonic strike, as other missile defeat projects are either difficult to distinguish from other defensive operations, or are classified.

The FY 2022 budget request did not include Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) data, so that data was unavailable for this year’s trackers.

Note: * Denotes a program that did not include Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) information in previous budgets due to being a sub-element of a larger Program Element, meaning there was no FY 2022 projection in the FY 2021 budget. All figures in millions of dollars.

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Wes Rumbaugh, "FY 2022 Missile Defense and Defeat Budget Tracker," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, March 21, 2022, last modified March 22, 2022, https://missilethreat.csis.org/fy-2022-missile-defense-and-defeat-budget-tracker/.