FY 2021 Missile Defense and Defeat Budget Tracker

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In December, the House and Senate completed the conference version of the annual National Defense Authorization Act. The Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee also released its version of the annual appropriations bill on November 10. The conference defense appropriations passed in December 2020 as part of an omnibus appropriations bill. The Missile Defense Project Congressional Budget Tracker will be updated throughout the appropriations and authorizations process.

Note: The Missile Defense Project Congressional Budget Tracker includes fewer lines than the President’s Budget Tracker due to lack of data as a result of less data reported in congressional funding tables than in the PB justification documents. All figures in millions of dollars.

President’s Budget Request

On February 10, the Trump administration released its Fiscal Year 2021 defense budget request. The administration’s fourth budget request includes $20.3 billion allocated to what it calls “missile defense and defeat” activities. This number contains traditional missile defense programs funded in the Missile Defense Agency and military services but also programs usually associated with strategic missile warning and certain programs to counter missile threats prior to launch, including hypersonic strike and cyberattack.

This year’s Missile Defense Project Budget Trackers continues its coverage of all MDA programs, and also adds new non-MDA programs. Our second tracker includes a modified list of service and other Defense-Wide air and missile defense programs and a selection of missile defeat activities focusing on hypersonic strike. Both Budget Trackers also include data from the Future Years Defense Project (FYDP) for all programs that report that data.

Note: Program does not include Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) information due to being a subelement of a larger Program Element. All figures in millions of dollars.

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Wes Rumbaugh, "FY 2021 Missile Defense and Defeat Budget Tracker," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 15, 2020, last modified May 23, 2022, https://missilethreat.csis.org/fy-2021-missile-defense-and-defeat-budget-trackers/.