Russia Isn’t Going to Run Out of Missiles
Russia's missile attacks have failed to produce the kind of decisive strategic effects that Moscow likely expected.
Russia’s haphazard missile campaign reflects both internal strategic failures and Ukraine’s critical thinking prior to the invasion.
Russia's air and missile campaign is likely to backfire, steeling Ukraine’s resolve and prompting greater support from the West.
This report explores the strategic significance of air and missile defense for the homeland and develops and costs a defense architecture.
This report provides a fresh assessment of key issues related to boost-phase defense, including the ways missile threats are evolving and broader technological trends.
Just as the world mitigated the most destabilizing aspects of systems like the strategic bomber and the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the United States can blunt some of the risks posed by aerial hypersonic weapons.
Absent any effort to expand or modernize GMD, homeland missile defense will likely fall behind current threats while NGI matures.
Limitations on the Houthi missile arsenal will be a necessary component of any lasting peace.