Turkey to Deploy Air Defenses to Syria

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On March 4, Turkey announced it will deploy domestically-produced short- and medium-range surface-to-air missiles in Idlib, Syria. According to a Defense Industries Presidency (SSB) statement, Turkey will deploy the HISAR-A short-range air defenses within a week, and the medium-range HISAR-O system in a longer timeframe. First tested in 2019, the HISAR-A possesses a range of 15 km. The HISAR-O has a range of 25 km. 

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Masao Dahlgren, "Turkey to Deploy Air Defenses to Syria," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, March 5, 2020, last modified March 5, 2020, https://missilethreat.csis.org/turkey-plans-syria-air-defense-deployment/.