Taiwanese Navy Video Shows Hsiung Feng III Sea Launch

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On January 1, the Taiwanese Navy released a promotional video entitled “Toward 2019,” showing the first public footage of its Hsiung Feng III antiship missile launching from a Tuo Chiang-class stealth corvette. The video was released a day ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech outlining Beijing’s goal of reunifying Taiwan with China, and confirms Taiwan’s latest efforts to upgrade the Hsiung Feng III with a sea launch capability.  The Hsiung Feng III is Taiwan’s first supersonic missile and has an operational range between 120-150 km. It is the third and latest variant developed within Taiwan’s Hsiung Feng cruise missile family.

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Jeremy Chin, "Taiwanese Navy Video Shows Hsiung Feng III Sea Launch," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 3, 2019, last modified April 8, 2019, https://missilethreat.csis.org/taiwanese-navy-video-shows-hsiung-feng-iii-sea-launch/.