July 6, 2017
In a statement on July 4, the French defense minister announced the first successful test firing of a new helicopter-launched antiship cruise missile. During a test on June 21, 2017, the 20 km range Sea Venom/ANL (anti-navire léger ) was “pushed to the very edge of its range capability,” according to the missile manufacturer’s program...
January 24, 2017
Looking to modernize its air and ballistic missile defense force, Italy has joined France in backing Eurosam’s development of the Aster 30 Block 1 NT (B1NT) missile for the SAMP/T air defense system currently fielded by both nations. The B1NT is an extended range variant that increases the interceptor’s anti-ballistic missile capabilities, allowing it to...
December 21, 2016
The final French Triomphant-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Le Téméraire, has been docked at the Brest naval base to begin modifications that would allow the submarine to launch M51 nuclear ballistic missiles. The M51s will replace the obsolete and soon-to-be out of service M45 missiles that previously armed the SSBNs in the French fleet. DCNS...