Strategic Forces Subcommittee Releases Preliminary Markup of 2018 NDAA

On June 20, the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee released its proposals for the Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Subcommittee will meet at 10:30 AM on Thursday, June 22 to publicly discuss the mark. The proposals include several key reforms and updates on U.S. missile defense policy, including: requiring the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Director to begin the development of a space-based sensor layer for ballistic missile defense; authorizing funding to procure an additional 24 THAAD interceptors and 147 PAC-3 MSE missiles; and providing Israel $705 million for co-production and co-development of Israeli missile defense systems. The proposal also contains a provision to deploy Anti-Air Warfare capabilities at both Aegis Ashore sites, and would mandate the transfer of acquisition and procurement authority for missile defense programs to the Services by 2020.