On June 20, the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee released its proposals for the Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Subcommittee will meet at 10:30 AM on Thursday, June 22 to publicly discuss the mark. The proposals include several key reforms and updates on U.S. missile defense policy, including: requiring the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Director to begin the development of a space-based sensor layer for ballistic missile defense; authorizing funding to procure an additional 24 THAAD interceptors and 147 PAC-3 MSE missiles; and providing Israel $705 million for co-production and co-development of Israeli missile defense systems. The proposal also contains a provision to deploy Anti-Air Warfare capabilities at both Aegis Ashore sites, and would mandate the transfer of acquisition and procurement authority for missile defense programs to the Services by 2020.