MBDA Conducts Second Sea Venom Development Test

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On April 18, MBDA successfully conducted its second development test fire of its Sea Venom/ANL missile. The missile was tested from a Panther test helicopter at Ile Du Levant in southeast France. The Sea Venom/ANL is a joint venture by French and British navies designed for use against smaller, lighter ships such as fast attack vessels and corvettes. The missile is intended to replace the British Sea Skua and French AS15TT antiship weapons. It was previously tested in June 2017.

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Missile Defense Project, "MBDA Conducts Second Sea Venom Development Test," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 2, 2018, last modified June 15, 2018, https://missilethreat.csis.org/mbda-conducts-second-sea-venom-development-test/.