DSCA Approves Harpoon and RAM Sale to Mexico

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On January 5, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of U.S. Department of State approval for a potential Foreign Military Sale to Mexico. The Mexican government requested to purchase six Harpoon Block II surface launched missiles, 23 Block II Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM), six MK 54 Mod 0 lightweight torpedoes, in addition to several shipping and storage containers, launchers, several types of ammunition, and other logistical and technological support. The sale is estimated to cost approximately $98.4 million, and it will help “significantly increase and strengthen [Mexico’s] armed forces and expand its existing naval and maritime support of national security requirements and in its efforts to combat criminal organizations,” according to the DSCA statement. The weapons systems are intended for deployment on the Mexican Navy’s Sigma 10514-class ship, which is currently under construction.

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Missile Defense Project, "DSCA Approves Harpoon and RAM Sale to Mexico," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 8, 2018, last modified June 15, 2018, https://missilethreat.csis.org/dsca-approves-harpoon-ram-sale-mexico/.