Italy joins Aster 30 Development Program

Looking to modernize its air and ballistic missile defense force, Italy has joined France in backing Eurosam’s development of the Aster 30 Block 1 NT (B1NT) missile for the SAMP/T air defense system currently fielded by both nations. The B1NT is an extended range variant that increases the interceptor’s anti-ballistic missile capabilities, allowing it to engage both short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. Additionally, the ship-based variant will offer protection against anti-ship ballistic missiles. The Aster 30 system is used by a number of nations aside from France and Italy, including the United Kingdom, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Morocco, Singapore, and Algeria.

Related Links:

Italy joins EUROSAM’s Aster 30 B1NT program UPI
Italy and France Reinforce Industrial Cooperation for the Aster Program Defense Aerospace