Russia Conducts Second Sarmat ICBM Test Launch

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On March 30, Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces conducted a second ejection test of the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The test launch took place at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, a spaceport in western Russia approximately 800 kilometers north of Moscow. “The new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile underwent an ejection test at the Plesetsk state test cosmodrome,” a Ministry of Defense statement reads. “The pre-flight preparations were carried out according to plan. During the test, the ICBM proved its specifications within pre-flight preparations and initial stage of the flight.” The Sarmat (NATO designation: ‘SS-X-30 Satan-2’) is a liquid-fueled, nuclear-armed ICBM currently under development. It is scheduled to go into mass production in 2020, and replace the current Soviet-era Veovoda (NATO designation: ‘SS-18 Satan’) ICBM by 2021.

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Shaan Shaikh, "Russia Conducts Second Sarmat ICBM Test Launch," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, March 30, 2018, last modified November 26, 2019,